There are many Christian women around the world who are living courageously despite really difficult physical, financial and cultural circumstances.
The Courageous Sisters project aims to help women around the world living in difficult situations overcome poverty.

We want to help restore dignity to women through spiritual guidance, financial support, business start-ups, and education; thereby empowering them out of their situations and make a positive impact in their world.
We will be taking up an offering at the conference to help support this fantastic project.

To give a one-off donation to the Courageous Sisters please click the link below
To give a monthly donation to Courageous Sisters please use the details below to set up a direct debit or standing order with your bank.
Pay to: Jubilee Church London
Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc
Branch: P.O Box 1000, BX1 1LT
Sort Code 30-98-90
Account Number: 18509760
Please use CS/GAD as your payment reference. (GAD is your Gift Aid Number)
e.g use CS/1234, if your GAD number is 1234.
Click here to register for Gift Aid number
For more information please email: